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COPROSSEL PARA O MUNDO: Ethos Asset Management Inc., EUA, Anuncia Acordo com a Coprossel no Brasil

Ethos Asset Management Inc., EUA, Anuncia Acordo com a Coprossel no Brasil, (Cooperativa de Produtores de Semente - Coprossel), Cooperativa Especializada na Multiplicação e Comercialização de Sementes de Soja, Trigo, Triticale e Feijão

NEWS PROVIDED BYEthos Asset Management Inc

16 Feb, 2023, 08:25 ET


Partnership Provides Long Term Financing to Coprossel for the numerous implementations planned in the modernization of grain reception and storage structures, as well as for the implementation of new industrial units of animal feed and dairy products.

SAN DIEGO, Feb. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- ETHOS ASSET MANAGEMENT INC USA, announced a new long-term financing partnership with Coprossel to finance the entire proposed modernization and implementation process and has committed to providing significant capital infusion that will continue for several years.

Carlos Santos, CEO of Ethos Asset Management Inc, stated,

COPROSSEL, is a cooperative organization specialized in the multiplication and commercialization of soybean, wheat, triticale and bean seeds and in the commercialization of grains, especially soybeans. For more information, please visit https://www.coprossel.com.br

"We are delighted to announce this impactful and sustainable project with such a prestigious and important Cooperative in Brazil, Coprossel. Coprossel's unique reasons for its existence is its ability to multiply seeds. Located in a favorable region, where the combination of climate and altitude favor the practice of seed multiplication, they have a great strategy to add value to what is produced and sold, significantly increasing their profit margins. We were humbled and impressed with the vision, passion and commitment of Cooperativa Coprossel's President, Paulo Pinto de Oliveira Filho, who inspired us with his work, achievements and dedication to a sustainable future for the whole community. We are delighted to be continuing our investments in our largest market, Brazil, as our worldwide expansion continues."

Paulo Pinto de Oliveira Filho, President, Cooperativa Coprossel, stated,

"We are very excited and confident in partnering with Ethos, as it is a global company, with a committed team that values Social Responsibility. This partnership will allow us to invest in improving our infrastructure, storage, industrialization of wheat, dairy, feed, photovoltaic plants and expansion of seed production. With this investment, our Cooperative Members, Collaborators and The Regional Community will have the opportunity to improve their quality of life by adding value to their production."

Mayra Fonseca Couto, Ethos Chief Operating Officer - South America, stated,

"Coprossel is a cooperative with an innovative spirit, always seeking the best solutions for its members and the best results. It is a solid organization, with a large market share that will be significantly expanded through the project that will result in the modernization of the grain reception and storage structures, as well as in the implementation of new industrial units for animal feed and dairy products. We are very pleased with this partnership and being able to invest in a robust and sustainable project that will certainly generate social and economic benefits for the region."

Alexandre Caldas and Claudia Schwerz, Associate, Ethos, South America, stated,

"It is an honor to have Coprossel as an Ethos partner. Our congratulations to Paulo Pinto de Oliveira and Team for the sustainable agricultural project focused on increasing silage capacity, sustainable energy system and infrastructure. This project is important because it has a very positive impact on the continuous generation of new jobs, exemplary sustainability policies and social improvement of the surroundings."

About Ethos Asset Management Inc:

Ethos Asset Management (Ethos) is an independent, US-based company with global reach in resource mobilization and project financing.

For more information, please visit https://www.ethosasset.com

About Cooperativa Coprossel:

COPROSSEL, is a cooperative organization specialized in the multiplication and commercialization of soybean, wheat, triticale and bean seeds and in the commercialization of grains, especially soybeans.

For more information, please visit https://www.coprossel.com.br

Paulo Pinto de Oliveira Filho, President, Cooperativa Coprossel:
Email paulopinto@coprossel.com.br

Ethos USA:
Ethos Asset Management INC:
Press Office 353949@email4pr.com

SOURCE Ethos Asset Management Inc



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